The METU Materials Conservation Laboratory (MCL) was established in 1967 as an educational and research laboratory in Department of Architecture. METU-MCL has extensive experience on site and laboratory investigations in historic structures and archaeological sites. The main goal of METU-MCL is to increase scientific conservation activities in Turkey and act as a nucleus for the development of other regional laboratories.
METU-MCL has mainly research and advisory activities, cooperative activities with governmental institutions and NGO’s, and teaching/training activities.
The research activities of METU-MCL concentrate primarily on:
- The diagnosis of materials deterioration problems related to architectural heritage including historical structures and archeological sites,
- The definition of original systems in historic structures (such as drainage, insulation and ventilation systems) and assessment of their efficiency,
- The examination of traditional building materials and the determination of their technological, durability and compatibility properties.
Areas of additional interest are the specification of procedures for the conservation of the historic materials, the selection and preparation of repair materials compatible with the historic structure, and the development of monitoring and maintenance programs for historic structures and archaeological sites. In this regard, METU-MCL deals with the use of non-destructive testing methods in historical structures and archaeological sites.
The additional research fields of METU-MCL are the studies on the performance assessment of contemporary building materials and functional systems of contemporary structures. The studies of METU-MCL also contribute to the development of innovative/advanced building materials.
In terms of teaching and training activities, METU-MCL aimed at training and upgrading conservation scientists up to the needs of Turkey and European Countries by its researchers.
By using its background, METU-MCL has efforts to form a Data Bank for Materials Research of historic structures and archaeological sites, to build up multidisciplinary studies or projects on important issues of architectural heritage conservation as well as to develop monitoring and periodical maintenance conservation programs for historic structures and archaeological sites.
Main activities of MCL
Teaching activities
- Theoretical and laboratory courses for undergraduate program of Department of Architecture
- Theoretical and laboratory courses for graduate programs in Restoration, Archaeometry and Building Science
- Master's and doctorate theses.
Research activities
- Master's and doctorate theses
- National research projects (BAP, TUBİTAK, AGÜDOS, etc.)
- International research projects (Temple of Augustus (WMF), Hammam (FP6), Quarryscapes (FP6), MonumentsLab (FP7), Jochera (FP7), etc.)
Advisory activities
- Planning and/or description of some conservation practices conducted by public and private conservation institutions.
Cooperative activities with governmental institutions
- Interdisciplinary conservation projects and training activities in collaboration with Ministry of Tourism and Culture, General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums, General Pious Foundation, etc.
Cooperative activities with NGO's
- Studies on development of conservation practices in Turkey together with KORDER (Conservation and Restoration Specialists Association) and KOREFD (Association of Conservation Contractors),
- Organisation of scientific meetings, such as symposiums, workshops.
International Relationships
- Participation in symposiums and workshops,
- Organisation of scientific meetings and training workshops,
- Joint articles,
- Collaborative researches and training activities with the research institutions in France, Austria, Norway, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Morocco, Tunusia, Algeria, Mongolia, and United States.
For MCL website click here.