Ali Murat Tanyer, B.Arch., M.S. in Building Science, METU; Ph.D., University of Salford. Room: MATPUM #18, phone: (210) 7274, Email: Fields of interest: Information Technologies (IT) for Building and Urban Development, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Sustainability and High Performance Building Design, Construction Management |
Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., METU (Department of Mechanical Engineering); Post Doctoral Studies Tokyo Institute of Technology. Professor Room: 65, Phone: (210) 2232 Fields of interest: Acoustics and noise control, computational design and fabrication technologies, biomimetics and computing, structural systems and design, environmental technologies, generative systems |
Ayşe Tavukçuoğlu, B.Arch., M.S. in Building Science, Ph.D., METU. Associate Professor Fields of interest: Construction techniques and detailing; use of non-destructive investigation techniques for building diagnostics and monitoring and in-situ assessment: Infrared (IR) thermography, ultrasonic testing; building materials, their performance characteristics and decay mechanisms |
Ayşem Berrin Zeytun-Çakmaklı, B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU. Associate Professor |
Bekir Özer Ay, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU Assistant Professor Room: 404, Phone: (210) 6203 Fields of interest: Disaster-resilient building design, Tall building structural systems, Selection and scaling of ground-motion records, Structural characteristics of Turkish reinforced concrete buildings, Statistical tools for assessing earthquake hazard, Uncertainty in ground motion prediction models. |
Mehmet Koray Pekeriçli, B.Arch., M.S. in Building Science, METU;, Ph.D., University of Reading. Associate Professor Fields of interest: IT in construction, information and knowledge management, decision support systems, social networks and process modelling |
Soofia Tahira Elias-Özkan, B.Sc., Karachi University; B. Arch, M.S., Ph.D., METU. Professor Fields of interest: Recovery, reuse and recycling of building materials; deconstruction; sustainability in the built environment; ethical architecture; building performance simulations |